Ecommerce marketing and how you can ensure growth


You might think that ecommerce marketing is easy. After all, if you have a website and some products, you're set, right? Well, not exactly. There's more to it than just slapping up an ad on Facebook and calling it a day. You need to understand who your target audience is (and what they want), how to reach them in the best way possible—and then keep that engagement going for as long as possible.

What are the key channels to use for Ecommerce marketing?

  • Email: Email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to reach customers and connect with them over a long period of time. Email allows you to build a relationship with your customers and get them engaged in what you are doing, as well as keep them updated about new products and services.

  • Influencers: An influencer is someone who has a large following on social media or any other platform (blog, YouTube channel etc.). They can influence potential customers by sharing their experience with a product/service they have tried or recommending it based on their expertise in the industry. If you want more people to find out about your brand then make sure influencers know about what you’re offering by reaching out to them directly through email or social media channels like Twitter, Instagram etc..

  • Content creation: Creating quality content that attracts attention towards your brand is also effective when it comes to driving sales but this will only work if there are enough eyeballs looking at such content! In order for people to see what you have created then they need access which means making sure it gets shared among relevant communities that might be interested in seeing what type of work goes into creating Ecommerce websites or apps etc.. Make sure the content has accurate information so that users don't get confused about how something works before purchasing anything from us (this happens sometimes!).


Email is the most effective channel for ecommerce. You’re already spending money on email marketing – now find ways to make it work harder for you.

Email marketing is an effective way to communicate with your customers. It's also a great way to stay in touch with your target audience and drive sales through loyalty programs and product recommendations that encourage repeat purchases.


Influencer marketing is a great way to reach a new, engaged audience. What is an influencer? Influencers are people who have large social media followings and can help you get the word out about your product or service. They can do this in two ways: they can be paid to promote your product (you pay them), or they will share content related to your brand because they genuinely like it and want their followers to know about it (this type of sharing is usually unpaid).

Whether you decide on paid or unpaid influencers, there are certain considerations that will affect how successful your campaign will be:

  • Identify what kind of person would be interested in engaging with your brand and readying about it—what kind of interests do they have? What kinds of things do they like talking about? Are any celebrities among them? Is there anyone from another country who speaks English well enough for them to understand the content being shared? How old are these individuals? What gender are most of them? How much money does each individual make per year? These questions should give you some idea as to which types of personalities might work best for this particular community.

Essential Ecommerce Marketing Strategies in 2022 and Beyond

Ecommerce marketing is no longer an option, but a requirement. With consumers spending more time online and on social media than ever before, it's important to understand not only what your customers want, but how you can reach them. Traditionally, marketing has taken place in one of two ways: offline advertising (i.e., television commercials) or direct mail (i.e., sending out catalogs).

In today's digital age, these methods are no longer as effective as they once were—and they're certainly not enough to grow your ecommerce business in the long term without additional support from the right tools and strategies.

So how do you get started with ecommerce marketing? Here are some essential tips for helping your company grow through targeted campaigns that will increase traffic to your site while boosting sales revenue at the same time!

Social media engagement

You can build brand awareness through social media.

You can also increase sales by providing customers with access to special offers and discounts. Social media is an essential part of any ecommerce business marketing strategy, and it's one of the most effective ways to engage with your audience directly.

Content creation and promotion

Content creation can take many forms and there are a number of different types of content that you can use to enhance your ecommerce business.

Written - Blog posts, articles and guides are all examples of written content. To be effective, this type of content must provide value to your customers in the form of advice and information that they won't find elsewhere on the internet or elsewhere in their local community.

Visual - Images are an important part of any ecommerce business as they help to illustrate the products being sold or highlight key features or benefits such as size, color, style etc... You should ensure you have high quality images with captions in place so that potential customers know exactly what they're buying before they buy it!

Interactive - Interactive elements such as videos or quizzes can be used effectively within an ecommerce environment too! These types of interactive elements help engage users more when compared with static images alone because users have something else more interesting/engaging taking place on screen rather than just looking at static images all day long (which definitely gets boring after awhile)!

Retargeting and remarketing

Retargeting is a marketing strategy that allows you to reach out to visitors who have already visited your website or another related website. You could show ads on social media, emails, or even in-store. Generally speaking, retargeting is one of the best ways to get more sales. This is because it allows you to reach out specifically to customers who are interested in what you're offering and have already shown some sort of intent by visiting your site in the past.

By using retargeting ads and videos on Facebook or YouTube videos that visitors had watched previously, for example, you can increase conversion rates significantly by keeping the branding consistent across all platforms where your audience gathers information about products/services from other sources (e-commerce stores).

Re-engagement campaigns

Re-engagement campaigns are designed to re-engage lapsed customers. They can be offered via email blasts, offers in your shopping cart, or on social media.

Lapsed customers are more likely to make a purchase than someone who isn’t already familiar with your brand. They also have strong buying power and spend more money on average than new customers do (eMarketer). This makes them an important part of any marketing strategy for ecommerce businesses looking for growth.

Re-engagement campaigns should include:

  • An offer that’s relevant to visitors who have purchased from you previously (e.g., 10% off next purchase)

  • The option to sign up for email updates or newsletters (which you can use later as a way to segment your list)

  • A link back through which they can return directly to the site after purchasing

The best ecommerce brands know how to engage with their customers online and offline, giving them a personalized shopping experience that keeps them coming back.

The best way to engage with customers is by providing value in the form of useful tips and advice about products. This can be done through blog posts or newsletters that are sent out regularly. Asking questions through forms on your website is another way to get customer feedback about what they're looking for, so you can provide more relevant information when making product recommendations.

Offering special deals and promotions will also keep people interested in what you have to offer, as well as encourage repeat visits from previous visitors who may have missed out on those offers previously. Giving customers exclusive access to limited edition merchandise or items that aren't available elsewhere will increase engagement levels due to its exclusivity factor—customers feel like they're getting something special when they shop with your store compared other stores where any other consumer could potentially buy an item too (if it's not already sold out).


If you want to grow your sales, it’s important to invest in ecommerce marketing. We hope this guide has given you some ideas for how to do it.


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