Website design that creates growth opportunities

How to create a website that impacts growth

  • Define the purpose of your website. What is the goal that you want to achieve?

  • Design for the user. The interface must be easy to use and understand, so that users can accomplish their tasks quickly and efficiently. Make sure you keep in mind that most people are not familiar with technology and may need more help than others.

  • Complete the project on time (within budget), within scope, and with high quality standards set by your organization/company standards

Define the purpose

Why are you building it? What are you trying to accomplish? What value does it provide for users or customers, and what kind of information will people find there? That’s a good place to start, but don’t stop there—you should also be thinking about how each part of your site contributes to this overall purpose. For example: If your goal is “to inform my visitors about my services,” then each page might have a different section for talking about those services (or maybe even multiple sections, if some services are related). The elements on each section could be text links or images; the elements on each page could include navigation buttons leading back and forward through all the pages in order.

Design for the user

Your website is only as good as its user experience. If your users can't easily find what they're looking for, or are confused by the layout of your site, you're going to lose them (and their money).

To make sure that your website is designed with a quality user experience in mind, we recommend using a tool like to test different layouts with real people who have never seen the site before. Once you've tested these variations and determined which ones work best, you'll be able to apply this knowledge when designing future iterations of your website.

Another way to ensure that users will have an easy time finding what they need on your site is by including some sort of search bar so they can quickly search through content without having to click around too much first.

Complete the project

  • Test the website.

  • Make sure it works on all devices, including mobile phones and tablets.

  • Make sure it is accessible by people with disabilities (i.e., blind or partially sighted).

  • Make sure it is easy to use and navigate so that people can find what they need quickly.

  • Make sure it is easy to update if you want to make changes in the future, without having to hire someone else again to do this for you at extra cost!

Monitor impact

One thing that is absolutely essential to the success of your website is monitoring its traffic and performance. It's important to get an idea of how people are interacting with your site, as well as how they're finding it in the first place. If you do this regularly, you'll be able to update your website based on data from actual users instead of guessing what they need or want. How often should you monitor? We recommend checking in at least once per month; if your site is brand new, try checking every week until you see some sort of trend forming. What should you be looking for?

What matters here depends on what kind of goals and objectives your company has set for itself; however there are some basic metrics that are good targets for any company:

  • Traffic: How many visits does my site receive each month?

  • Time on Site (TOS): How long do people spend on my page before leaving?

  • Bounce Rate/Exit Rate: How many people leave as soon as they land on my page (or after reading through just one page)?

Your website can be a growth-oriented tool.

Your website can be a growth-oriented tool. If you think of your website as a simple brochure, it’s sure to disappoint your users. A good user experience means considering the needs and goals of each person who visits your site, not just having an eye-catching design or enticing color scheme.

By designing with growth in mind, you can create a site that helps users accomplish their goals while also driving sales for you.


How to build a website for your business


Creating an authentic brand that people want to be a part of