Running a consulting business

👩‍💻 I’ve been running my business on the side for the past eleven years… 👇

😱 I was always afraid of going full-time with it.

💪 But now, I feel it’s time to really get my consultancy cranking.

💡 What have I found working on my side hustle the last eleven years?

👉 People always want something for free, or at super low prices, then have a million rounds of feedback…

Only to go with someone else who charges them an arm and a leg.

👉 Don’t accommodate people who pay you a low amount. They’re only going to cause drama.

Charge higher rates.

Charge what you’re worth and stop doing things for free.

👉 Get rid of everything that is not helping your business grow.

🙅‍♀️ For me, that meant getting rid of 5 websites, 10 social media accounts, leaving a heap of Discord servers and limiting my time on social channels.

🌴 I try and take Friday afternoons off now and  go adventuring.

🇸🇪 Usually I head to Sweden.

To Malmø, across the bridge from Copenhagen.

There’s a book store, an esoteric store, an Indian restaurant, a good coffee shop, an amazing second-hand clothing store and most important of all, there’s LOTS of Swedish people (who consequently understand my Danish better than most Danes… Go figure).

Getting away from my screen is so important for me, as I’m on my screen all the time, working, hustling and communicating.

Now, I work when I feel like it.

Lucky for me, I feel like working most of the time. Or at odd hours.
For example, I was up last Sunday at 5:45 in the morning, and started working after I had my coffee.

On Sunday evening, I worked until 22:30, just because I felt like it. I did get out and about during the day. It's not all about working...

I really feel the traditional 9-5 work day needs to be reconsidered...

Especially when we work on a global scale now and take meetings at odd hours, or have clients that need work done during my evening...

What tips do I have for anyone wanting to start up a business?

👉 Get your website up

👉 Start posting

👉 Let people know you are now offering services, but also be consistent with posting every week. Sometimes LinkedIn won’t show that many people, but keep it up no matter what!

👉 Check which content your network is interested in and post more of that. It might be obvious, but you have to keep an eye on this.

👉 Grow your network, either online or in-person.

👉 Help other people.

This isn’t a hustle, it’s just a nice thing to do. Tag them, refer them and just be a good person…

🌟 If you have a pre-existing company or work for one, the same goes.

Strategy always comes first!

🤩 Always open for a chat about business and how I might be able to help you.


The Importance of Having a Digital Strategy


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